Wednesday, July 4, 2007

I Blog Like A Man!

I found this site, the Gender Genie that boasts 80% accuracy of it's ability to predict the gender of a given writer. It turns out, however, that I'm really a man. I plugged in a piece that I wrote on my myspace blog and it gave me this score:

Words: 994

Female Score: 1415
Male Score: 1778

The Gender Genie thinks the author of this passage is: male!

Now, that being said, I tried a couple different passages and passed myself off as a female a couple of times as well. I'm really kind of conflicted in my feelings about blogging like a man. However, here's a bit I read on some feminist's blog (disclaimer: I hate feminazis):

"According to the research I had (primarily Lakoff, as I remember), feminine genderlects tend to:

-use language as a way to create and build relationships

-consist of stories, anecdotes, and narratives

-use hedging, as in “sort of,” “it would seem,” and the like

-employ what she called “empty adjectives,” like “adorable,” “super,” and such

-use “tag questions,” as in “You’re cold, aren’t you?” or “This is delicious, wouldn’t you say?”

-have a specialized lexicon, such as striating “pink” into “rose,” “blush,” “mauve,” and “magenta”" from Feminist Mormon Housewives

Having read that, I'm glad that I don't use a lot of hedging and empty adjectives when I'm writing seriously. On the other hand, I love tag questions and I feel like I need to use more stories, anecdotes, and narratives. And who knows? Maybe I'll check out the site again and try to see what they're saying. But my repugnant feelings for feminazis are the subject of another blog.