Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Top 'O Tha Mornin' To Ya, Lass!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

I haven't ever done much for St. Paddy's Day, but this year I really have been wanting to do some little extras for the various smaller holidays. I didn't grow up with much by way of St. Paddy's traditions, aside from wearing green and pinching, or at least I don't really remember any.... 
so thanks to Pinterest I've discovered all sorts of fun little things.

Like leprechaun traps.

We spent Friday working on our leprechaun trap, but didn't quite finish before the kids had to go to bed. We discussed how to finish and I promised I would take care of it myself. 

We were pretty excited at the prospect of catching a leprechaun and imagined all sorts things we might wish for when we got him. 

Unfortunately, our trap wasn't as secure as we thought it was. We caught a leprechaun alright-- but he made off with most of the gold and pretty much wrecked our trap in the process!

He found the box's one weakness and went to town on it, the little stinker. 

Then the little rascal went and peed in our toilet!

Avril made that discovery and called everyone to see.

All in all, though, we made off pretty well. I heard some leprechauns got really mischievous, toilet papering kitchens, leaving footprints all over, making messes. I hope we get another mild-mannered one next year.

Ours even left us green milk! That's good luck for a whole YEAR, you know.

Oh and this is my one decoration. Cute subway art I downloaded from a pin on Pinterest. Love it!

Super fun holiday. Easter's next!


Camas said...

You're such a cute mom! I'm sure they loved every second of making their leprechaun trap!

calli said...


Royce said...

Love it another holiday to get some stories and pictures of the grandkids. great job!