Saturday, September 15, 2007

Chug it!

K, this just cracked me up, I had to post. Katherine came over today to hang out, the girls played with the puppies while we talked. Plus, domestic goddess that she is, she brought some delicious blackberry freezer jam. That's where the funny story comes in.
We finished up dinner and Avril spies the jam on the counter. It's in a small cup-looking container and it's full of some delicious-looking juice-colored substance. What better thing to do with such a cup than drink it? I came in just as she tipped it back and started (trying) to chug. I reprimanded her, "Avril! Don't drink the jam!" Unfortunately, hearing myself say that, I couldn't keep a straight face. Neither could Derek.


DeGooyer Family said...

What a cute story. =)

Wilsons said...

How funny! Ellie always wants to drink the cider vinegar! Juice, I want juice!

Pattie said...

Thanks for leaving your comment on my blog under (i wonder)
so how can you tell the difference between being a slacker or having depression and maybe sometimes its easy to blame depression.. when one is being a slacker either way its hard to get of a bad rut..
I have always hated being on the acquaintance side..
i believe in faerys....

Pattie said...

oh i forgot to finish my sentence its referring to your post.( Old friends and new) i have always hated being on the acquantance side to where you love them and leave them. (friendships that is)

Pattie said...

YOu are such a breath of fresh air... thank you for your insight.
I love your blog with the cool music...I think we have girls the same age 3 right.. lets get together sometime..

Andrea said...

How funny! I probably would have wanted to chug-a-lug it too. I love homemade jam! Avril is sooo cute!