Sunday, September 25, 2011

We're Not Poor

Driving home from the beach Friday....

Avril: Daddy, can we go to a restaurant for dinner?

Derek: No, not tonight, Avril.

Avril: Why not?

Derek: ...because we're poor.

Avril: We're not poor!

Derek: How do you know?

Avril: Because we have more than 400 money!
.... And we have lots of clothes.
.... And we live by Tripler!

I laughed and she said, "What?" and I said, "Well, you're right Avril. All of those things are true." In awe and a little bit of disbelief she said, "We really have more than 400 money? I mean, dollars?"

Not to publicly discuss the details of our financial situation, but yes, we do.


Amy Jenks said...

Too CUTE! Your kids are adorable!
You mean you have more than 400 money!?! You're REE-ITCH (said in a Chappelle-ish sort of way). ;)

Amanda Fetters said...

He's el capitan, for pete's sake! and you're getting cola! You'd better have more than 400 money! ;)

love the pic.