Wednesday, May 4, 2011

9 Years Later....

Driving to Electric Beach on the morning of our 9th anniversary, (thanks Diane for watching the kids!) Derek suggested I take the camera out to document our anniversary. I promptly obeyed.

Please enjoy the first picture taken on May 2, 2011. It will always hold a special place in our hearts. 

It was shortly followed up by this one:

Since I knew it was unlikely I'd outdo those on the ride I decided to stop while I was ahead. 

We went, as stated before, to Electric Beach. It's across from this electrical plant that has these vents that run out into the water. They're these giant pipes that have coral growing all over them and fish LOVE it there. Which means so do snorkelers, scuba divers, and snorkel tour boats. We saw several of each-- and some spinner dolphins out performing for some tour boats. We considered swimming out to them, but didn't know if we'd have time. 

It's crazy, because the water just shoots out of these vents and it's so warm that even though you didn't think you were cold before when you get back into the normal water you have to readjust! It was crazy how many fish were there, especially how many different kinds of fish and they'd swim right up next to you. We both agreed afterward that it's the best snorkeling we've ever experienced. 

This is how happy good snorkeling makes us:

Me being something like 23 weeks pregnant:

Seriously, though... how many husbands can say they still look like this after nine years of marriage, a medical degree and 3 1/2 kids? 

For some reason, obviously next to the good-looking guy in the picture, I really like the boat in the background here. Not sure why. 

I love you, hon. It's been a crazy nine years, with many ups and downs-- but mostly ups. I'm looking forward to every day of the rest of our lives together- to growing old and growing better with you. I can't wait to see what life brings us, but at the same time I enjoy savoring each and every one of these moments with you. We've made so many wonderful memories together and I know we have many more ahead of us. Thank you for loving me, for overlooking and forgiving my quirks and faults, for helping me grow into a better version of myself. Thank you for being my husband, my support, my lover, my provider, my companion, my partner, my best friend, my other half. When I'm with you I know we can conquer the world (if you're into that sort of thing).

Happy 9th Anniversary love!


Derek said...

It was a great anniversary, don't forget the delicious Thai food afterwards and our temple trip up to Laie the next day! I love you so much and could not ask for a more perfect wife.