Saturday, October 10, 2009

Infallible Logic

I was swinging and throwing Xandri in the air the other day while we were dancing around and when I finished and set her down she stood and looked up at me saying, "Mommy Mommy Mommy I want you to hold me again!"

I said, "No, we're done for now. Maybe in a little while..."

"But Mommy, I want you to hold me!"

"Not now, Xandri. I can't right now, I have to clean the kitchen now."

"Mommy, I want you to!"

"No Xandri, I can't."

"Yes you can! See, you have arms!"


the Roberts said...

hope you don't mind, I posted some pics of you from the laie days.

I love 'babies aren't human' post. hilarious.

Amiee said...

:) You have Such cute kids!