He- we-- did it! We've all survived intern year!
The first year is officially over and Derek has graduated from intern to 2nd year resident. It's a good feeling.
The ceremony was long and graduation-like. This was particularly annoying to me since I did not receive an invitation or even a definite time or place of where it would take place or who would be involved or how to dress until the day of. From the piece-meal information I gathered, it could have been anything from a small little ceremony involving the 5 interns in the family practice program to all the interns hospital-wide.
As it turned out, I even underestimated there-- it was all interns, graduating residents and fellows hospital-wide! The ceremony had the classic speakers as well as a seemingly endless line of graduates receiving their diplomas and leis.
Why would this bother me so much? Well, the moms out there don't need to ask. Just picture- one water bottle between the four of us- that's me being "prepared"; no snacks; hot tent; no entertainment for bored kids. And no end in sight.
Thank you, Avril, my thoughtful and prepared daughter, for remembering to bring a lei for Daddy. Mom ran out of time/spaced it.
Surprisingly well-behaved.... for being bored out of their minds, thirsty, hot and hungry!
Fortunately, it was only distracting to me-- or so I assumed after receiving compliments from strangers about the excellent behavior of the midgets!
Congratulations, hon! We're so proud of you- and I'm sorry if I was cranky there at the end.... the kids sure were happy to see you!
I'm proud of you for not only surviving, but thriving- and still managing to be an amazing husband and father through it all. Here's to year two-- let it be better than year one!