Roman, Roman, Roman. We've had quite a few posts about you this year. I think cause you're so mischievous. And a stinker. That's right, you're a little stinker and you know it. And you're proud of it, too.
This little guy just makes me so happy all over. He drives me absolutely batty most of the time, mostly because it's so hard to discipline someone when you can barely keep a straight face!
He's been so excited for his birthday, we've literally been counting down since August. He was asking even before that. He is SO READY to be FOUR. Three is just so last year. Nobody's three anymore, except maybe the babies. And Roman is not a baby. Although I did ask him if he would just stay three this year and stop growing and his biggest concern was the presents. So I told him we'd still have a party, but he had to promise not to turn four yet. He ALMOST agreed to it.
Can I just say we measured him on our cute giant ruler board and he has grown ONE INCH since AUGUST? Maybe I just don't realize how fast kids are still growing at that age, but man! At least I'll be keeping track now that I have that thing. I mean, you always look back from year to year and see the evidence in the pictures, but you don't think of it in terms of picking up an inch in three and a half months.
Xandri's birthday was kind of hard, because his was just around the corner (we tried celebrating separately this year) and everything she had for her birthday he wanted for his. He switched some things up, though. Like cookie cereal for breakfast and cookies for lunch. He requested cheese pizza for dinner, then halfway through making it he said, "No, Mom, I wanted quesadillas!" Then at actual dinner he proceeded to eat half of Avril's non-cheese pizza. She was not so pleased at that turn of events.
He was obviously thrilled to see what awaited him in the kitchen. Especially getting to finally open his blue card-- a LEGO card, no less! Thank you, Auntie Camas!
Max loved the balloons again. This time we skipped the helium and just taped them by their strings to the cabinets. That worked out well for Max who just batted at them while standing on the stool saying, "Ba! Ba!"
Note the shiner-- he fell down the steps out the side door the day before. That was a very sad time. Also note the toothbrush (aka "utt") in his hand. (So named because it's "up"). He LOVES the taste of toothpaste.
So after breakfast since it was a school morning, we quickly adjourned to the living room for the scavenger hunt. It wasn't long-lasting since he basically got three things besides the GIANT TRAIN TABLE that is now our coffee table in the living room. It was still in the box, so I don't think he was as initially impressed as later- but judging by the look on his face in the first couple of shots here I think it was enough.
Once we got the girls off to school it was time to assemble the table.
A word here about toy/furniture assembly. I actually like it. It's like a puzzle for me. I like sitting down with the instructions and going from step to step, completing them neatly in order and accounting for all pieces.
So, for me, this wasn't a problem. Initially. But once I got the table. And the drawers. And the hardware all assembled and still had the spiral tower, the airport, and the control tower with their 22 itty bitty A. screws and their 34 itty bitty B. screws and their 8 little bit bigger C. screws... well, let's just say all gifts for the next several months will come preassembled.
Halfway through assembly Tutu (Grandma Zan) showed up with a bucket. And it was FULL of dinosaurs- just like Sammy's bucket in his favorite story.
Well, let's just say that before presents, he wanted to go to Chuck E. Cheese like Xandri did. And after? All thoughts of Chuck E. Cheese quickly faded away at the prospect of trains, cars and dinosaurs all in the same proximity. Then when the girls got home from school, the fun started all over again!
So then pizza for dinner, birthday cake to follow. As soon as those candles got lit, they got blown out- which earned a scandalized and scathing "ROMAN!!!" from Avril who then scolded him for not waiting till we sang and till he wished. So we relit the candles, at which point Xandri said, "Hey maybe now he'll turn 8!"
Happy Birthday song followed- and then:
After several (8-10?) failed attempts he finally blew all those candles out! I think he's gotta be at least 12 by now. Or does failure to blow them out the first time subtract years? Huh. I'll check Wikipedia.
Happy Birthday Roman! We love you and we're eagerly watching to see if you'll grow big like a giant this year!