Or when she rode the bus for the first time.
I didn't cry when she started first grade- having skipped kindergarten.
But when my little girl turned around to look at me from the front pew where she was sitting with her dad, singing the opening song during the baptism, holding my gaze for the duration of the song...
Well, I tear up now just thinking of it. My heart is so full of joy and pride in my little girl for making this important decision in her life. So full of joy at the maturity she regularly demonstrates, her goodness and purity and her sweet conviction in the gospel. Watching her learn and grow, her testimony of Christ, of prayer, of the power of the Holy Spirit blossoming into something real and vital... I think this is the greatest reward a mother can experience. Sometimes I can't believe she's really only 8. She is such a good example to her siblings and to her peers- and to her parents. I love this girl with all my heart!
(four generations!)
I'm so grateful my family was able to make it out for her baptism. They were wonderful- fun, pleasant guests, helpful, easy to please and overall great to have. Also thanks to all our dear friends who were able to make it to her baptism and celebrated with us afterward- as well as those of you whose hearts were with us. Your love and support warms our hearts.