So the La'ie Temple has been closed for renovations for two years now. Sure glad we came in on the tail end of that!
The Open House ran during the last two weeks of October and the first two of November, and we felt like it was a great opportunity to share some of our beliefs and just the beauty and the spirit at the temple with some of our friends who might not have another chance to experience it.

I'd never actually been to a temple open house myself, so I didn't quite know what to expect. As it was, I really enjoyed walking through the temple and seeing it with our friends and the kids, especially the Celestial Room. When we got in there, Xandri pointed to the chandelier and whispered (somewhat loudly) to me, "I wish that was in our house." So do I, honey, so do I.
It was interesting to me, because I also didn't know what to expect to feel. When I go to the temple normally, I feel the Spirit so strongly, and there is such a peace and a reverence. If I am in a particularly good frame of mind, it's truly an amazing experience. The open house wasn't the same. I enjoyed it- it was beautiful, I felt the peace and reverence of the temple, but I didn't feel the spirit to the degree I normally do. I hope in any case it was enjoyable for our friends and they were able to learn a little bit about our temples and their purpose. It was such a good reminder of why we have them and the importance of families, and it was wonderful to share that with our children.
Afterward, we took our friends up to La'ie Point to wander and check things out and then headed up to Ted's Bakery for lunch, which was delicious. Crab BLT anyone? Yes PLEASE!
My awesome friend Arren and her hubby, Jeremy:
Heather (or Heddy if you're Xandri)
Heddy, me and Xandri.... such a familiar site! For those who don't know, this was the view off our lanai for the semester we went to BYU-H some 8 years ago.

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