So my lil' bro Nic came out to visit us- well, actually he was going to try and find a job and a place and move here for a few months before school started in January- but unfortunately had to go home after three weeks of unsuccessful searching.
In any case, we tried to make his time here enjoyable and even extracted some babysitting from him while he was here- thanks Nic.
First beach we hit up was Hickam AF Base beach-- simply because it's easy to get to and easy to take the kids to.

Roman and his manly buzz cut.
Watching airplanes take off. Another perk of the beach- we're RIGHT next to the runway and the kids LOVE that.
Next big thing- the KBay Air Show. Tons of people, tons of cool airplanes, both parked and flying around and plenty of vendors selling yummy food. We met my friend Heather there and we all walked around, checking stuff out. I'll do another post for that with a few more pics.
Nic caught this shot-- I can't take credit. Super cool, eh? Actually, while we're on the subject I think he took a lot of these pics, but they were all combined with mine.
We spent a day up on the North Shore, and of course hit up Matsumoto's Grocery for some shave ice. You can't come to Hawai'i and not.
Roman was good at sharing.
Next stop, Laniakae Beach, home of the international honu (Hawaiian for turtle) preserve or something like that. About 26-28 sea turtles live in this little bay and periodically come up on the beach to warm up and dry out, staying anywhere from a couple of hours to a couple of days.

You can also snorkel in the water and while you can't touch the turtles on the beach, if they come up to you in the water, you don't have to retreat-- go ahead and make a new friend! Btw, I love how in this picture it becomes impossible to tell the difference between the ocean and the sky...
The girls were all up and down the beach checking things out, looking for hermit crabs and climbing on the rocks. They loved it.
And since Nic's visit overlapped a bit with Sean's, some cool pics and fun things were in that post.
It was a bummer to see him go. It would have been awesome if he'd been able to find a job here, I felt like I didn't show him enough of Hawai'i while he was here because I thought he'd have more time to explore it himself! Oh well. You'll be out here again if I know you like I think I do.
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