Occasionally we let Avril play a video game (she calls it "Mommy's monster game") and she basically just runs the character around a safe area and does tricks and turns into different "warriors" (for those interested, it's really called "Kameo", and imo, it's super fun!). The other day we were letting her play for a while, but when it was time to come for dinner, she wouldn't get off. So she was carried up to bed kicking and screaming, blah blah blah.Meanwhile, Xandri saw an opportunity and she seized it:
9 years ago
This was too darn cute!! Happy Mother's day! ;)
Happy Mother's Day!! I can't wait to have cute kids like your's who are video game junkies. yay.
HI guys!!! I can't believe how long it's been since I have seen you all. I can't believe it! Do you guys ever come to Rexburg? If you do you should call us. We would love to see you guys. Your little family is lovely! Michelle
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