First, this seems more scary to me than interesting: my toothy little almost-eight-month-old thinks it's a good idea to start trying to crawl up stairs. Do you have any idea how many stairs are in my house?! I knew this day would come. I was just hoping it wouldn't be for another couple months! Also, she's got two more teeth coming in on top! Or she will soon.... I can't believe how big she's getting and how fast! I'm so sad Derek is missing out on so many of these fun developments.
Which brings me to my second point of interest: Derek in Texas. Yeah, that just plain and simple sucks. I mean, how do you tell your two (almost three)- year-old that Daddy isn't coming home for THREE MORE WEEKS? It breaks my heart every time I hear her crying about how much she misses her Daddy. She fell off a chair today and after I comforted her and she calmed down enough to talk, all she could say was, "I want my Daddy!" I just feel so inadequate! I know I can only fulfill half of her needs: I can't imagine trying to be a single parent. And every time I have to tell her she won't see Daddy for three more weeks (2 1/2 now), I torture myself by trying to imagine what it would be like to tell her Daddy's never coming home. It makes me sick to my stomach.
Anyway, I didn't bring that up to complain. What I really wanted to say was that Derek is loving The Texas. Although it's so hot he feels weird if he's actually dry, he's really enjoying his combat training, land navigation and weaponry training. I'm so proud of him for following his patriotic sense and serving his country this way. I miss him something fierce and hope he never has to leave again. But underneath it all, I'm just proud to know I married a man who won't shirk his duty when it calls.
On the other hand... when he loses his rifle during night navigation, I kinda have to wonder what's really going on over there!
9 years ago
Tasheena - I think you're doing a wonderful job, and you have a great perspective. Call if you ever want to hang out, or go to the pool. =)
Hey Girl Only 1 1/2 weeks now! I can't believe it! Doesn't it feell like a life time since we have seen our Hubbies, it does to me... hang in there! Easier said than done, I know! You are a good mom, and you aren't complaining... it is rough, I'll admit it! But soon it is over!
One more thing, I was trying to see Tyler in the backgroung of a picture... Nope not there. Anyway, I haven't seen any pictures of what they are doing or where they are staying this is the first time I have seen any pics... I got a bit emotional we'll say when I saw the pics. I am sooo ready to be done with this!
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