Weston just got back from his two year LDS mission in Kentucky and since Derek hadn't seen him since he left (well, actually he serendipitously bumped into him in an odd turn of events about a year ago in Kentucky while on his way to Philadelphia- who knew?!), we welcomed him back home with tickets to Hawai'i.
He was pretty happy about that.

Ewa Beach.
Weston's first time boogie boarding.

Sand throwing war.
There were actually shots fired on both sides, but apparently I didn't catch any of Weston at Derek, so it looks like he's just picking on his little bro.
More boogie boarding. Weston is falling in love.
With island living.
See that pure joy on his face?
Or something.
Roman started climbing around on the rocks behind us on the beach and when we looked up, he gave us a baby dance.
He's got some killer moves.

Along with Weston, the bros decided it would be a great time to make it a bro trip- so Carson & Calli decided to come on out, too. It was a sad, sad day the day of their flight, though. Ranger had gotten sick... and he wasn't improving. So Calli made the call to stay home with him- but sent Carson on with Sean taking her place. While we were definitely sad that Calli and Ranger were left behind, Sean definitely brings his own brand of energy and fun to the table.
So when they got here Thursday night, it was, of course, magic time. I welcomed them with some ono ahi and steamed rice. Friday began the Hawai'i fun. I chilled at home with the kids (read: no photographer for the day's exploits) while the guys went up to Pounders to experience some hardcore boogie boarding and some body surfing. They actually got some good footage of that, but I don't have access to those videos-- yet.
After being sufficiently beaten and broken by the raging tide, they continued up to North Shore, stopping to eat at the Hukilau Cafe in La'ie, to check out waves at various beaches along the way (all were closed to the public because the waves were too big--- like 20-30 feet. Yeah.), and walked around the Dole Plantation eating fruit and getting bored of the obvious tourist trap that place is. Topped off the evening with malasadas and new magic cards and then headed home for some of my delicious southwestern wraps.
Saturday brought the Tripler Ridge hike- a daunting 5 1/2 hour long hike up and over the mountain behind Tripler, along the ridge, and down the Stairway to Heaven (Haiku Stairs). You may remember that we did the Stairway when Sean came last October.
We did not at that time, however, run into a successful boar hunter on the way up- or down- the stairs.


Oh and by the way Carson, we have your shirt here. And the blue and white one. They'll be held hostage until you and Calli come to claim them.
Is it just me, or does Derek's face look a little too trusting- and Sean's a little too... devious?
Note how tightly Weston's gripping the rail. Something about this shot really captures how dizzying it really is on the Stairway.

Dirt lines.
It was a muddy hike.

Rinse in the ocean, head to Maui Taco for lunch (mango BBQ pork- yum!), and meet back here for Part Deux at Kailua Beach.