Her Grandma Zan and Muckabee (Derek's childhood name for his grandma) came down to be here on her birthday... Xandri, of course, was delighted to have her "Ga's" here. Her birthday was pretty low key. She had all her favorite meals which made it really easy on me: cereal and ramen don't take much prep. And we made her a "butterfly" cake. Doesn't hold a candle to the butterfly cake Avril got for her third birthday, but we'll class it up for her third or fourth... whenever she's old enough to have an opinion of her own! (Not just adopted from Avril...) And we watched the new Tinkerbell movie about four different times.
Anyway, if you'll note in the collage, you'll see a few of my favorite birthday "events": Xandri discovering the presents before it was time... yeah, she got a couple boxes open. That's what you get when your priority is a camera for the memories.
She loved her little Sleeping Beauty doll. She was pretty intent on it (and on it's shoes) and kept it with her all while opening her presents. She immediately put her fairy wings on as soon as they were out of the wrapping paper. And she immediately disrobed her baby doll as soon as
it was out of the wrapping paper! And she knew exactly what to do about those candles! (Ignore the "votive" look. Naturally, I found the real birthday cake candles
after we needed them.) All in all, it was an excellent day for my little two year old.
Not so much for Avril... all she wanted was to open and
keep some of the presents for herself! She had a really hard time letting Xandri have the limelight.
So what is the two year old Xandri up to these days?

-she's stringing words together into three and four word sentences
-she loves coloring
-she's a big mimic... from copying words and phrases to copying actions, I have my hands full with my mini-me/mini-Avril/mini-Daddy
-she adores her big sister and follows her everywhere (which means they fight everywhere...)

-she's started to self-potty train (yes, that's right, folks! We found her on the toilet all by herself having successfully eliminated in it! We've also since found her in slightly more awkward positions given the fact that our giant toilet has not yet been outfitted with a little person potty seat. Poor kid was hanging on for dear life!)
-she's learning a lot of sass and has some serious attitude and loads of personality
-she's definitely a drama queen
-she can do it herself ("I/me do it!")
-she's clear up to the 25th and 30th percentiles for height and weight (can't remember which is which)-- this is a big accomplishment since she started out in the 5th!
-she loves princesses, fairies, wings, dresses and all things girly
-she's starting to hit- a lot
-she has a great little imagination, fed largely by Avril's own
-she loves taking baths
-she has her own avant-garde sense of fashion...

I absolutely adore this precious little girl I've been blessed to raise. She adds so much life, light and joy to my life! The world is a better place with her in it.